Variables: var for mutable and const for immutable. Type Inference: Types can be explicit or inferred.
Arrays are defined using const with specified elements or a length placeholder. Access array size using .len.
Data Type Conversion
Use @intCast and @floatCast for numeric conversions. Use @intToFloat and @floatToInt for broader numeric transformations.
Data Types
Integers, floating-point, boolean, characters, and strings are supported. Loops and Control Statements:
While and for loops, if statements, switch statements, and a ternary operator. Defer statement for executing code when exiting a block.
Function declaration, invocation, parameters, and return values. Void functions and function pointers.
Creating pointers, dereferencing, pointer arithmetic, and pointers in structs. Null pointers are represented as null.
Error Handling
Result type for explicit error handling. Option type for optional values. Custom error types.
Memory Management
Explicit memory allocation and deallocation using an allocator.
Concurrency (Async/Await)
Zig supports asynchronous programming with async/await syntax.